Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lois's Graduate studies

My studies started immediately after registering. I took several Biblical courses including "Prophetic Literature of the Old Testament" under Dr.  F. Kearley;  "The Use of Apocalyptic Style  in the Old and New Testaments" under Dr. Ian Fair; "Christian Ethics", under Dr. Carl Spain. The remainder of my studies were "Seminar in Contemporary Problems and Family Studies"  under Dr.  Tom Holland, and "Marriage and Family" under Dr. Paul Faulkner.  The course which entranced me the most, I think, was one I took under Dr. Milholland which required that I go to the Abilene State School where they had mentally disabled children who were sent there by parents who found they could not understand or control their offspring. I especially remember one little boy. He was about eight years old and had the sweetest, most angelic face I had ever seen on a child. This is how my attempted conversation went with him :
    Lois –  Hello
   Boy – Hello
   Lois - How are you
   Boy - How are you
   Lois – I'm fine, thank you
   Boy - I'm fine, thank you
   Lois – I'm glad
   Boy - I'm glad
 Mary, the professional in charge of these kids, came in then and took me aside and told me, "He doesn't understand a single thing you have said to him, he cannot talk normally, he has what is called "Echolalia,"  "lalia" is a Greek word meaning "speech," Some call it "parroting." The children at the State School were taken for walks where they collected wild flowers, leaves, grass, and sticks, etc, which they would take back to school and stick onto white paper. Some of their creations could only be described as "exquisite". I borrowed several of them to take to show the class their
beautiful creations. For my final  endeavour I was asked, by Paul Faulkner, to write to as many churches of Christ and find out how many of them approved of hiring marriage counselors for their congregation's troubled families. He told me not to expect too many responses. I received about 30% response, which Dr. Faulkner thought was particularly good. This, very briefly describes my MS Degree.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Melville's great success as a graduate student

When we first arrived at ACU Mel still lacked a few leveling courses he had to take, but since he had done such fantastic work at SABS, the university allowed him to start on his undergraduate work immediately. He was allowed to begin some of his master's degree work which completing the final semester of his bachelor's which he achieved "Summa Cum Laude." He was now ready to give all his time to his MA degree. He was also inducted into ALPHA CHI, a national honor society.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Abilene Christian University

After we had moved into our apartment I realized I was going to be bored to tears, I knew no-one, the kids were in school – Steve at Taylor Junior School, close to the campus, and Paul at Abilene High School. I said to Melville, "I'm going to go crazy with nothing to do but keep this tiny apartment tidy!" He immediately responded, "Why don't you go and see if they will give you a scholarship, they have all the information about your previous attendance." I immediately cheered up, because I knew that I would love to continue my studies. Since I had worked my last two under-grad years in the Bible department I thought that the fact would give me a better chance of success. So I got myself ready and took myself off to the the office of the Head of the Bible Department. I was thrilled to see he was one of the professors for whom I had worked, and he said he remembered me well. I asked if he thought they would accept me as a graduate student and would give me a scholarship. He said he was sure he could arrange it, and as I left his office I said, "It will have to be 100%" He said, "Go and register and I'll see what I can do and will call you this afternoon." That afternoon I got my positive answer – I was now a Graduate Student!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Arrival in the States

When we arrived at the airport in Georgia we were met by Deb and Rex who took us, first, to eat at a Chick-fil-A, our first encounter of this popular fast-food eatery, then we proceeded to their home in Montgomery, Alabama, where Rex was working in a Christian book-store. We spent our first American Christmas there before leaving for Abilene, Texas, and Abilene Christian University – my old Alma Mater. Rex had an old Chevy Vega which he sold to us for $1.00, just to make it legal for us to own it. It still worked very well and lasted us until we were ready to return to Southern Africa Bible School (SABS). We left Alabama shortly after Christmas and drove down to our new destination. On the way there we spent the night in West Monroe town before going on to Abilene. That night there was snow storm and the roads were covered in snow. As we entered Texas, we had to cross an ice-coated bridge. One abandoned car was on its side just across the bridge, so we entered the bridge with some trepidation (well considered) and soon found ourselves sliding. Melville is an excellent driver, and knew the technique to follow in such a situation, and we arrived safely, but shaken with fear, on the other side. Paul and Steve were sitting in huddled positions in the back seat – too scared to speak. Then we proceeded to Abilene with no further traumas. We located the house where wwe were to make out home for the next couple of years. It belonged to Dr. Everett Ferguson and was adjacent to his house. He had divided the house into two apartments and we had the larger section Everett was now professor at ACU and was an ex-student with whom I had enjoyed a speech class in our undergraduate days.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Winding down at SABS

 The time for Mel's graduation is coming near. In the last year he has been elected as an elder at Benoni Church of Christ, he has also been approached about going to ACU in order to receive a Master's Degree so that he will be qualified to lecture at SABS. He has accepted the challenge and the school will provide the money for our plane trip. Also, Tim has joined us at SABS, having been released from the Rhodesian (soon to be Zimbabwe) army.  He will attend SABS while Mel, I,  Paul, and Steve  are at ACU. Now, how are we going to finance our education? Benoni had recently had a Gospel meeting with the preacher from the San Antonio, Texas, Charles Prince, preaching. The local church was going to take care of us until we could arrange something else.

Friday, May 17, 2013

We meet our son-in-law

 About 18 months after they were married, Rex and Deb came to visit us at SABS. Deb had scared Rex by telling him that Mel was very strict and he had better mind his "P"s and "Q"s. So when we met them at the Airport he was dressed in a full suit, shirt, and tie. Of course he soon found out that Deb was just teasing him. Both Mel and I loved him from the beginning. When we got home, because the students had been away on vacation and were expected back in a day or two, we had to give our visitors the tiny room which was situated at the rear of the house. When I say "tiny" I mean that. It could scarcely hold their bed. But that was the best we could offer them. We spent the rest of the time talking, showing them around and just generally "catching up". I don't really recall all that we did, but we loved having them with us, and rejoiced that our girl had been so wise in her choice of a husband. Not only was he a Christian, but a wonderful preacher as well.

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Branfords

While we were at SABS we became close friends of Reg and Diane Branford. They had  two kids, and had a baby soon after school began. As time went on and it was getting close to graduation a call  from Pietermaritzburg came to the school, asking for a preacher. Dad thought briefly that he might try, but decided against it, Reg, however, decided to try out for the job.  The Branfords went down and stayed with people who owned a bulldog. As soon as they arrived there they were told not to venture into the back yard as the bulldog was aggressive.  Sunday morning as Reg was getting ready he looked out of the sliding glass doors which faced on to the backyard, and was horrified to see his toddler out there in jaws of the bulldog which was shaking her like a rag doll. Reg opened the sliding doors, though they were almost impossible to open, rushed out and literally tore the dog's jaws open as he freed his child. She was so covered with blood that he yelled for someone to get the car ready to take them to the hospital. He would not allow Diane to see her face as he held the baby up against his chest. When they arrived at the hospital there was only one doctor there who was free to operate. He was a brain surgeon who had just finished an intricate operation, but the good doctor did not hesitate as he took the toddler into the theatre and performed a  fantastically intricate procedure on the her. The dog's teeth had penetrated her cheek  which required that he sew up the inside of her mouth as well. After they came home Diane was visiting me with the little one and was bemoaning the fact that the child was now terrified of ALL dogs.  Candy, our retriever, was in the lounge, lying quietly at a distance from us, and the toddler would not leave her mother's lap. I looked at Candy and then at Diane and said, "Let me see if Candy can help her." I got up and walked over to Candy ad caressed her. Then I said to the child, "Come and see Candy, she will not hurt you, she loves little girls." With some encouragement from Diane she came over slowly, and Candy, bless her loving heart, rolled over onto her back—the ultimate position of surrender—as the child softly touched her—and so started the healing of a cruelly injured little lady.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Rex and Debbie

At  this point I want to focus on Rex and Debbie for a while. Deb had left Harding and enrolled at Alabama Christian College, because her lifelong friend, Beverly Kidwell, had persuaded her to do so.  She wrote to get our approval and moved down lock, stock, and barrel. At this time we were already living on the SABS property. When we had been in the boys dorm for a short while we received a very short  little note from her in which she stated, "There is a cute guy here who is teaching me to drive – don't get any ideas!" Being her mother I, of course, immediately got "IDEAS," but wisely kept my thoughts to myself.  Well, it was not very long until we were asked if it was okay to get engaged to that very same "Cute guy" named – Rex Dutton!! It was some time before they married and we kept in touch until the great day. When the time came I very bravely kept my eyes dry as we lived through the day. I was dry-eyed until the photos arrived – then I lost it and made up for all the tears I should have wept. We were very happy that Rex's family loved our dear daughter from the very first, and once we met Rex we, too, fell in love with our new "son."

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Life as SABS Surrogate Mother

Now to continue our surrogate patenting at the Boys' Dorm. After the cat experience we found an advert for Labrador puppies. I have always enjoyed having a dog as a pet, and Mel and I both decided we would like one now. Thus started the delightful saga of Candy. We went to view the puppies and Candy immediately captured our hearts.  When we got her home everybody fell in love with her.  As she grew older she loved to join the boys as they played football in the yard. One day, when she was still a youngish pup, I was washing the lunch dishes when I looked out the window and saw what I thought was a piece of thick rope, about two feet long. Candy was very interested in it and she circled to the front and to my horror the rope reared up and spread its hood—it was a spitting cobra.  I threw down my cloth and dashed out of the house yelling "SNAKE!!" I rushed over to Candy, picked her up bodily and carried her to the side of the house, just as shock took over, and I slumped against the wall. Mel rushed out with the only weapon he could lay his hands on, a broom of some sort, and took care of Mr. Cobra. Phew!! That was a very scary incident. The Lord took care of us and no one was hurt. I asked our boys to take the dead body to the woods across the road, and dispose of it.  Candy, a couple of days later, found its body and presented it to me in the yard—smelly.  So we sent the boys back with it telling them to bury it deep.