Thursday, December 22, 2011


      Let's go back, briefly, to Gwelo. A few months before the tooth incident I got broody again, but nothing was happening. I consulted with my local doctor and he said, "Since you had your fallopian tubes shortened you may never fall pregnant again," so  took a philosophical note of that and quit worrying about it. Well, just a few months after the tooth incident I suddenly found I was expecting again. I was "over the moon," When I told the doctor what he had said, he just smiled and said, "Famous last words." And he confirmed that I was indeed going to have another baby. This was just about nine months before we completed our second year at Gwelo. As the time got closer I told Mel I wanted to have our baby in the Lady Rodwell Maternity Hospital, in Bulawayo, where our other two were born.
   This hospital was a separate building from the General Hospital, and the entire staff there were registered midwives. It is, or was, a wonderful place to have a baby.  As the time got closer I told Mel about my unhappiness at Gwelo, and that I didn't want to return after our baby was born. Fortunately for me, he was also feeling he had had enough of living in a dirty old house on a shoe-string. So we decided that he would finish out the year and we would move back to our own home.
     We had been back to Bulawayo to see my doctor there and confirm that he would do the honours when the time came. Mel took me back a couple of weeks before the end of his two years, and I stayed with Ma and Oupa. Before coming down to join me he told Foy we would not be back. The day before Mel was to return he woke with a red rash and went to the doctor in Gwelo, who told him he had German Measles. I called Dr. McNair, my gyny, and he said it didn't matter because my pregnancy was so far along. Since he did not feel ill Mel came on home.  Paul made his appearance right on time. weighing in at 8lbs 2oz., and yelling his head off.  This behaviour continued for some time and Doc. said, "You have a very nice baby, but he's a bit fierce!" We found that his formula was too weak so when I got home I stregthened it—end of problem!
     Another little amusing incident happened while still in Gwelo. We had planned a trip to town and told the kids to get ready, warning them, very firmly, "If you are not ready in time we shall go without you." Well, you've guessed it—they were not ready. So Mel and I got in the car and took off. I looked back to see two very forlorn little kids standing in the gateway, staring at the disappearing car. My heart softened, and Mel turned up the next street, circled the block and we picked them up, gently scolding them and telling them to be more careful next time.

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